Pink and Green Mama Crafts: Homemade Gifts Kids Can Make From the heART eBook

The holidays are fast approaching
and it is the perfect time to start
crafting and creating
 homemade gifts from the heART

My daughters and I usually 
make our own gifts 
for their teachers,
aunts and uncles,
and school bus drivers!

Now you can create your own
simple, heARTfelt gifts at home 
(or in your classroom!)
with my latest eBook,

Homemade Gifts Kids Can Make
From The heART

15 Complete Projects
in a 53-page PDF Formatted
Craft e-Book
for only $8.00.

These simple,
but meaningful projects

come with:

* Complete Supply Lists

* Full-Color Photos of Actual Projects

* Detailed Step-by-Step Photo Directions

All 15 projects featured in this e-Book
are gifts we have made and shared
with the people we care for. 

These projects are not just for Christmas.
Several of them work for other special occasions
like birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

The lessons are meant to be made

together with your child.

Younger children, ages 2-4, will need a lot of

assistance but older kids, ages 5 and up, will

be able to do a lot of the work by themselves!

These projects are simple
and do-able
even for the craft-phobic!

What could be better than

a gift made with love,

given with love,

and created with inexpensive supplies

or materials you already have on hand?!

The PDF book is designed 

to be printed out

(I recommend using card stock paper

and assembling it in a binder)

or you can read the directions directly

from your own home or classroom computer screen. 

This 53-page Homemade Gifts

 Kids Can Make e-Book

is best suited for

elementary-aged children (ages 5-11)

but can also be used with preschoolers (ages 3-4)

This $8.00 Homemade Gifts

 Craft e-Book


15 Complete Craft Lesson Plans,

a compilation of some of my best homemade gift

lesson plans with 3 brand new (never published on my blog)

Homemade Gift Idea Lessons. 

To purchase the PDF:

Please click on the PayPal button below.

After I receive a confirmation email from PayPayl,

I will email you an easy-to-print PDF

and you will be ready to start making some homemade gifts!

Please make sure to keep an eye on your junk mail folder

for a Pink and Green email.

I will send your order as soon as possible,

and always within 24 hours! 

These craft lesson plans are copyrighted

by MaryLea Harris (pink and green mama)

they are intended for personal or classroom use,

not for re-sale or reproduction.

Thank you! 

Happy Homemade Crafting!


pink and green mama,

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