Homemade Christmas: Felt Bad Guys Set!

Who is that masked bandit wearing Moose Pajamas?

Role play is a huge part of our day around here.
Especially on the weekends. 
Props like Masks, Wands, and Silk Scarf Capes
play a big role in that.

I apologize for the fact that you pretty much only see my kids
wearing Pajamas in all of my posts!
My kids live in their PJs at home
(we really do get dressed when we go out in public....
most of the time -- 
maybe it's because their mom lives in Jeans and Slippers) 

I've had this little project 

bouncing around in my head

for the past year and I finally made it last weekend.

And no...I couldn't save it for Christmas but it

WOULD make a fantastic Homemade Christmas Gift!

For the "Sack" I cut down an old

pillow case and made it not quite as deep

(It was a King Sized Pillow case and

little arms would have had a hard time with it)

Now, I have to admit I thought I was being clever

by re-purposing materials we already had

(using the pillow case) BUT....

sewing the Felt "Dollar Sign" to the pillowcase

was a giant pain in the butt

because I was trying to manipulate the whole pillowcase

through my sewing machine (ugh!)

Using a flat piece of fabric to sew the felt to first

would have been MUCH easier.

I also should have stitched down the two straight lines

of the "Dollar Sign" first then the "S" shape.

I did it in a different order and it doesn't look great up close.

(However, my kids don't seem to care.)

Pinning the "Dollar Sign" in place.

I made up my own pattern by tracing

an existing play mask from our Dress-Up Box

onto two pieces of Green Felt.

Then, I stitched it all up with a piece of elastic

sandwiched in-between as the strap.

Then, I carefully cut out the eye holes with my

sharp sewing scissors.

The finished Mask. 
We might need some more in other colors!

Of course we needed some Gems and Jewels
for our Theif(s) so we raided our gold rocks
(gravel I spray painted Gold) 
stash from "C"s Pirates and Mermaids Party
and some of our Dollar Tree Glass Stones 
and Michael's Plastic Jewels. 

Hey! Get that bad guy!

Happy Homemade Gift-Making!

pink and green mama,

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