Homemade Gift: Grandpa Book!

We celebrated my dad's birthday yesterday.
We did our traditional go out for yummy Mexican Food lunch,
homemade Angel Food Cake for Dessert (at home)
and gifts!

(blurry photo of Dad unwrapping his new Garden Gazing Balls)

The girls made my dad's gifts this year.
for his garden this spring...
yes, it's only January and freezing cold here
but we can dream about warmer days right!?

Want to make your own? 
Check out my old Tutorial Here.

Then, the favorite gift this year...
A homemade book 
illustrated by both girls
(it's really fun now that "C" is old enough to make her own artwork!)

"The Grandpa Guidebook:
How To Be A Terrific Grandpa"

It was a huge hit and the favorite gift 
for both my Dad and my Mom. 

Some photos are a bit dark but you get the idea.

Bake Yummy Bread.

(Dad bakes us Ciabatta bread every week! Yum!)

Make Naughty Bacon, 
Bean Salad,
Deviled Eggs, 
Peaches Stuffed With Sweet Potatoes.

(My dad is the chef in our family.)

Take Field Trips.

(This is a favorite memory my girls have 
from going to the aquarium this summer
with my parents)

Plant Fairy Gardens.

(Dad has now planted two different AWESOME
Fairy Gardens with my girls)

Grow Pretty Things.

(Dad is a wonderful gardener too!)

Have Naughty Cats.

(Molly doesn't have a tail and Murph is the naughty orange
kitty who is possibly the loudest and most persistent
cat I have ever met!)

Rescue Pink Kitties.

(C's lovey, "Rosie Cat" was accidently left behind
on Christmas at my parents' house. 
My dad drove out to our place, in snow, the next day
to deliver her safely back to her rightful three-year-old owner.
I think my dad earned permanent hero status with that one last week!) 

Even "Rosie" the cat got a festive makeover
with leftover ribbons and bows!

Collect Santas.

(My dad has a really cool collection of Santas
and this "Birdhouse Santa" is E's favorite.)

Share Your (Angel Food) Birthday Cake!

Give Lots Of Hugs.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Here's to another year.

pink and green mama,

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